
Day -2: What exactly is going on here?

I guess this is the part where I explain myself.

About a week ago, I had the "brilliant" idea (no doubt partially inspired by Super Size Me and Hungry For A Month) to forgo all forms of sweets for a month. No candy, no cookies, no dessert, no sugary and delightful treats of any kind.
To throw in an extra kink, I've decided to cut out all foods containing high-fructose corn syrup as well. I like a challenge, especially one that ensures that my diet will be out of step enough with the national average to cause me problems. Problems make things interesting, both for me (hell, I better get something out of it) and for anyone who ends up reading this.

Of course, I figured October would be an ideal time to undertake this little venture, because Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I enjoy making myself miserable.

While the scientist in me is cackling with glee at the thought of making myself a cranky, sugar-craving guinea pig, this is really more of a social experiment. I'm going to be writing about my reactions to not having comfort food as the emotional crutch I'm accustomed to, my attempts to avoid seemingly pervasive parts of the typical American diet, and the reactions of those around me to my newfound dietary restrictions. Also, I will probably complain a lot. Yay!

We'll see how it goes. I promise to make it not a total waste of your time, even if it ends up being a waste of mine.

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