
Day 2, part 2: Small comfort

I lied. There's not really a part 2, beyond my further inability to stop thinking about lemon meringue pie, peanut butter cookies, and Fun Dip.

I have to wonder how much of this feeling of deprivation is just a matter of me fixating on the knowledge that I can't have it, no matter how much I want it.

As luck would have it, though, my intertron friend Kermix is always there to remind us that not all candy is good.

Thank you, Norway, for making candy I don't desperately want. I will send your fine nation tidings of peace and goodwill. Also: puppies.


Since I'll have this paper for my social science class done and dusted pretty shortly, tomorrow's writings will be of a more scholarly nature. That is, if I'm not foaming at the mouth by then.

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